I did not have power today for about 6 hours, most of which I slept. Yesterday I made two PRs which I'm waiting for reviews on. I kinda just got what I was supposed to do after I made the first one and made another one for a different issue without first getting it asssigned to me. Yeah, not a good idea, yes I'm eager to contribute, but I should also be patient, a lesson to learn.
Since I can't really do much on the project until my PRs are reviewed I started looking into how to make a RSS feed for my website, specifically my dev logs, because a friend asked me that I should. Unfortunately, the C code I've writtn is messy, I'll have to either refactor it a lot, or write bad code. I tried writing part of it today, but failed miserably.
I also need to start looking for a 4-6 month intership as the next semester will be my final one and we need to make a major project which is usually made by working at some organization/company.
There's also my show and tell next week on thursday. A show and tell is where any one of the pod members gives a talk on something related to technology. I originally planned on doing one on Plan9, but I haven't really gotten the time to myself set it up and play around with it yet. I'll either have to look for a different topic or gather a basic understanding of Plan9 in 10 days, which seems highly unlikely.